As you move closer to 65 or open enrollment approaches, you will undoubtedly receive a barrage of advertisements about Medicare often leading to frustration and confusion. At Penn Rise Advisors, we make Medicare insurance simple with our three-part process.
Medicare made simple in three steps
1. Review
We will review your current coverage and make sure your information is current. Your path to selecting Medicare insurance is dependent upon your age, spouse, employment and medical needs. For new enrollees, we recommend contacting us three to six months prior to turning 65 to ensure you avoid penalties for not enrolling in a timely manner.
2. Compare
While we compare Medicare plans, we’ll review their benefits and pricing to in order to select a plan that best suits your healthcare and budgetary needs.
3. Enroll
We can handle it for you.
What we provide
We provide new and current Medicare recipients with a comprehensive approach when considering the four parts of Medicare insurance. As independent brokers, we help you choose a plan that considers your current and future health care needs as well as your financial situation. We also help veterans review their VA benefits and how play a part in Medicare insurance planning.
Four parts of Medicare insurance
Medicare Supplement Insurance plans also known as Medigap.
Prescription drug coverage also known as Plan D
Medicare Advantage plans also known as Plan C
Medicare enrollment guidance for Part A and B (done through the federal government)
Things to remember about the Medicare open enrollment period
Takes place October 15 – December 7
Medicare Prescription Drug plans will renew and should be reviewed during this time.
Does not apply to Medicare Supplement Insurance policy, coverage automatically renews each time you pay your premium
Contact us to discuss any changes to your healthcare needs and new plans for the coming year.